Performance and Recovery Drip
After months of training, blood, sweat and tears your event is now complete. This combination of Vitamins, minerals, amino acids and antioxidants will speed your recovery , rehydrate you from exercise related fluid losses and get you back ready to hit that next training session. Consider a group session for the entire team.
- Amino acid blend
a mix of essential and conditional amino acids formulated to effect the epithelial lining of the blood vessels releasing nitrous oxide and dilating blood vessels for improved blood flow
- Mineral blend
blend of magnesium, manganese , zinc, selenium, and copper to replace losses in sweat as well as work with the body to utilize amino acids in the amino blend
- Ascorbic acid
a strong dose of anti oxidant that will help prevent damge from oxygen free radicals generated during exercise
- Vitamin blend
a mix of vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 each with their own role in metabolism and recovery helping you to perform or recover at your peak